Creating a business card is easy, right? Sure, start with a Word document, resize the page to standard business card measurements, write in your name, email, phone number, and add a logo.. voila! You're done! ...Right? Sure, if you merely want your business card to end up in the trash after handing them out. A shoddy business card will only end up as wasted time and money, it won't garner you any ROI or get you new customers. So before you start your new business card design (we can help if you need!) make sure you aren't making these common business card mistakes.
Tim Tyrell Smith wrote a useful article on marketingpower.com about this particular topic. Some of the mistakes that he includes are:
- Small Font Size: One of the biggest mistakes that people make is having the font size way too small. While there are probably some people out there with pin-point accurate eye-sight, most people who look at your card are going to need a clean, easy to read font. A good way to test it out is to print out your information at various sizes in the font you want to use. Hand that printout to a variety of people and ask them which one they can read the best.
- Your Design Doesn't Match Your Website: This is an interesting mistake that can make or break your business card. The design and (especially) color scheme surrounding your business card and your website represents your company. You can easily create a brand identity that is instantly recognizable by simply utilizing this tip into your card design.
- Shares Too Much Information: Don't take your business card as a space to squeeze in as much information as you can. Let your card breathe, use the space that you have wisely. Include contact information, a website, and social media information if necessary. A tagline that explains what you do in a short and concise manner is best. Tell your customer what you do, why they need your products or services, and how to contact you to get them.
- Doesn't Utilize the Back of the Card: While it may be useful to leave some blank space so you can write notes on your card, you should definitely consider putting something on the back of your card. It fills space that may make your card look empty, you can include a quote or your brand promise.
These are only a few of the mistakes that Tim covers in this article. You can read about these and more mistakes at the original article below!
Read the Original Article | www.marketingpower.com